Successful managers and leaders know the importance of the 4 fundamental principles in management. 

This is not a Management course.

It's your course to develop Soft Skills that will earn you respect that positively impacts others.

 The critical principles for achieving results and retaining your team members in the 21st Century business world.

Becoming a leader is a rewarding journey and requires countless learning and self-development.

Embark on a journey that will make you an effective and successful manager.

How to manage and lead your team in the 21st Century?

Great managers inspire those around them

Moving into management and leadership isn't purely about your know-how and hard skills. 

Business the way we know has changed:

  •  The pace of doing business has changed. 
  •  The rapid increase in technology. 
  •  Knowledge work replaced manual work.  
  •  "Human Skills" are needed to manage and lead an organization into the future.  

If you are a first-time manager, you will face many challenges you never expected. 

We all have the right to feel fulfillment in our work environment. 

The course will guide you step-by-step to create a work environment that benefits all, gets you the desired results, and retains your talents. 

How we build trusted relationships?  

When we build trust with each team member and foster trust within the team, employees feel safe. When we feel safe inside the organization and work together, we will achieve results that could not have been possible alone.  

How do we effectively communicate performance? 

Most managers hate conflict. Poor communication is the reason for poor collaborations and lack of engagement.  When you develop the tools and know-how to give effective positive and negative feedback, you prevent conflict. Your team will be looking forward to receiving feedback, positive or negative. They will know that their work matters to the organization. 

How to raise performance that benefits all? 

Successful managers coach and develop their employees. They support team members' careers and development, leverage strengths and abilities for maximum performance, employee satisfaction, and ensures the organization stays competitive.   

How to effectively delegate for growth? 

When we delegate, employees will develop new skills and gain knowledge, preparing them for more responsibility and future growth. 

When managers delegating it shows that they trust and respect the employee's abilities. 

By the end of this course will already effectively practice your soft skills to lead your team in any economy.

Your management style will feel less stressful and more meaningful, leading to a positive work environment where people can thrive. 

Are you ready to become a great manager?

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Effective Management -developing Soft Skills

    • Welcome message from your instructor - Audio and Text

    • So good to see you here! Looking forward to providing you with loads of useful content. Please take a moment to tell us a bit more about yourself, it helps us to guide you with additional info. Thanks for being here - Survey

    • How to use this course effectively - Text

    • The role of a manager and leader in today's business world - 21st Century - Text

  • 2

    Chapter 1 - Effective Management - Fundamental Principle No 1

    • Lecture 1 - Know your team- Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 2 - Getting to know your team members. Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 3 - Start building trust Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 4 - Why we build trust? Video, Audio and Text

    • Chapter 1 - Active Assignment - Implement individual conversations.

    • Frances Frei on "How to build and rebuild trust - TED TALK video / Text

  • 3

    Chapter 2 - Effective Management , Fundamental Principles No 2

    • Lecture 5 - Communicate about performance Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 6 - Communicate about performance - positive feedback Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 7 - Communicate about performance - negative constructive feedback

    • QUIZ on Communication Performance Feedback

  • 4

    Chapter 3 - Effective Management, Fundamental Principle No 3

    • Lecture 8 - Raising Performance, Micromanagement Ted Talk - Watch Video and read Text

    • Lecture 9 - Raising Performance means - Asking For More- Video, Audio and Text

    • Assignment, from Comfort Zone to Growth

    • Watch - The feel good hormone: Oxytocin - TED TALK - by Kelly Mc Gonigal - How to make stress your friend

  • 5

    Chapter 4 - Effective Management, Fundamental Principles No 4

    • Lecture 10 - Delegating work down Video, Audio and Text

    • Well done, mastering the introduction to the four fundamental principles Video, Audio and Text

    • Quiz - Their is no team without trust -

  • 6

    Chapter 5 - Effective Management, One on Ones Meetings

    • Lecture 11 - Management and Meeting madness ? Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 11A - Why One On One's , what makes them so effective ? Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 12 - All you need to know about ONE ON ONE meetings? Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 13 - How to handle resistance to new ideas?

    • Assignment - Free writing - Resistance - Text

    • More answers to resistance. What to say? Text

  • 7

    Chapter 6 - 1:1 Meetings

    • Lecture14 - One on Ones meetings - Structure - Audio and Text

    • Lecture 15 - Prepare your One On One meeting - Video, Audio and Text

    • Active Assignment - Prepare One On One - Checklist

    • Lecture 16 - One on One meetings - virtual Video, Audio and Text

    • Assignment - Create email to remote working and out -of -city team members

    • Checklist - Have you prepared the steps leading up to your first One On One? TEXT

  • 8

    Chapter 7 - Your friends are not at work

    • Lecture 17 - Friends vs Friendly, Simple set of behaviors Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 18 - Friends vs Friendly, crossing lines that's when things get weird Video, Audio and Text

    • Assignment - Freewriting, Workplace activities managers should avoid.

  • 9

    Chapter 8 - Ready to implement and get started - One On Ones - Here you go

    • Chapter 8 - LET'S RECAP and REVIEW

    • Lecture19 - Hang in there, performance communication Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 20 - Positive and Negative performance communication Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 21 - Feedback and Timing Video, Audio and Text

    • Assignment - Performance Communication Feedback

  • 10

    Chapter 9 - Questions and Resistance - Feedback

    • Lecture 22 - More on feedback, questions and resistance - Video, Audio and Text

    • Feedback Ted Talk Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 23 - Starting to deliver feedback - Video, Audio and Text

  • 11

    Chapter 10 - Higher level of performance through coaching

    • Lecture 24 - Effective coaching, grow your staff - Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 25 - Coaching - setting a goal - Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 26 - Brainstorming and Resources - Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 27 - The Coaching Plan - Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 28 - Actioning and reporting- Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 29 - You are all the way to start coaching - Video, Audio and Text

    • Assignment - Coaching

  • 12

    Chapter 11 - The Art of Delegating

    • Lecture 30 - Delegation is part of the engine room - Video, Audio and Text

    • Assignment - Delegating - Free writing

    • Lecture 31 - Still struggling to get your head around delegation - Video, Audio and Text

    • Lecture 32 - roll out delegating - Video, Audio and Text

Passionate about Managers succeeding in their role



Hi, I'm Sabine

Passionate about managers succeeding in their role.

I believe we can create a better and safer work environment for future generations that benefit all. 

In today's business environment, 58 % of employees are unhappy in their workplace. 

After 30 years of management, this course has been brought to life by using effective management styles.   

There is still a world out there where managers practice micromanagement. Employees are running in circles due to managers' poor decision-making. And outright abusive organizations still exist.

Fortunately, we see more and more managers who inspire their teams to achieve incredibly high-performing results. 

I wish for managers to motivate and inspire their people by creating a safer and better work environment.  Managers need to develop managerial skills that positively impact their employees, the organization, and customers. 

The course will guide you to develop and confidently apply the 4 critical fundamentals to become an Effective Manager who gets results and retains their staff. 

Your management style will have a significant impact on your career and your team's growth. 

The course was designed to develop soft skills that you can actively implement into your work environment. 

After completing the course, you will have a positive impact on everyone around you. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

When does the course start and finish? 

You can start anytime by clicking [ENROLL] 

You have lifetime access to the course.

How long should this course take me to complete?

It is a self-paced online course. 

However, to succeed, you require to complete active tasks and implementations at various stages.  

We recommend completing the course in 9 weeks to ensure you follow the step-by-step guidelines and implementations in your work environment. 

Invest 1 -2 hours a week. 

Can I access this course on my mobile? 

YES, and on your tablet and your computer. 

Couldn’t I find this information for free online? 


A simple search for"management " will get you over 6 Million entries on Google.

You won't have the time to search for this when you need it. 

Your time is precious. This course teaches you the necessary steps of human skills in management and ensures that you implement the correct actions at the right times. 

What is the purpose of this course? 

Mastering Soft Skills will matter most in the 21st Century business world. 

You got all the know-how and technical knowledge.  Soft Skills will have a high-level impact on how you will manage and lead your team. 

Fulfillment at work will benefit all. 

What format is the course delivered? 

The course is delivered both in video and written lessons. 

The course includes freewriting assignments, quizzes, and actionable tasks.  

We have you covered to master the critical Soft Skills of management.